Santa Monica igar

ok sa igar akte jag o Natacha till Santa Monica och shoppade lite. Eller Natacha shoppade och jag kollade mest. Jag har lart mig att halla i pengar lite battre nu for tiden men Natacha tankte vi satta in pa rehab, haha.
Roligast hade vi inne pa Kitson outlet butiken dar Natachas kompis Louise jobbade for dagen. Dar inne hade dom nagra sota, rosa kaniner som man kunde spela in sin egen rost pa. Och Natacha fick sa klart en snilleblixt: spela in trevliga barnforbjudna ord. Sa vi stog dar i butiken och spelade in saker som "fuck you" "suck my dick" och "motherfucker".... ganska omoget jag vet. Men sen da sa radade vi upp dom sa fint och gick en bit darifran och vantade pa att nagra stackars barn skulle ga o trycka pa dom dar sakerna..... efter ett litet tag kom det ett gang asiater som borjade leka med dom sota kaninerna och gissa om dom blev chockade nar dom fick hora vad dom gulliga kaninerna sa... och vi stog dar o skrattade sa tararna sprutade......
Efter det gick vi o at pa en riktig amerikansk diner och sen akte vi hem.....
Att ata pa en amerikansk diner efter att ha varit magsjuk var inte det basta jag gjort sa jag fick va hemma o ta det lugnt resten av kvallen....

Santa Monica

Yesterday was just a horrible day, I couldn't pretend anymore that I wasn't sick so I was just laying in bed all day. And I'm happy that I did because today I woke up and felt great. Soooo nooow I'm gonna go and pick up Natacha and go to Santa Monica and do what girls :)

Soundtrack of our lives

I just got home from the party. Daniel drove me home because I didn't feel so good.
The party was amazing though, I met a lot of nice people and the house was awesome. And then, Soundtrack of out lives performed out by the pool, they had just been playing at The Jay Leno show and then they played for us at The Swedish consulate house. They are really good. So I had a lot of fun till the sickness kicked in.... urgh... I hate to be sick......
Now I'm in bed and will pass out any second......

Me & Daniel, we both look kind of sick....

Soundtrack of our lives....

Swedish consulate party

I woke up this morning and felt kind of shitty but I hate to lay ni bed and feel sorry for myself so I pulled my self together and tried to do the best out of the day. And what is that if not going up to the pool, woohoo... So I layed out for a while, took a swin in the pool and then saw that I got burned so I had to go down and start to get ready for a party  tonight.
We gonna go to the Swedish consulate party in a house in Beverly Hills. I feel like shit but I'm just going to pretend that I'm fine.
So here I am getting ready..... more info comes later


aaarrrghhh, I think I'm sick......after my afternoon nap I woke up and felt sooo sick so all afternoon I've been feeling sorry for myself. I think I got what Daniel got.... or I don't know... it feels like I wanna throw up all the time. I couldn't eat before and I feel really week. So now I'm laying in bed (it's only 11 pm) and I need to sleep. I looked through my old pictures to get some positive energy before I go to bed and I found some funny pictures from the beach last year. I think I put them up here before but here they come again....

Fucking weirdos......

awww so beautiful. Petra to the left and me to the right.....


I just got home from work at TNT Agency and I'm soooooo tired. I think I'm gonna take a nap and then maybe go out and hike in runyon.
Oh and I forgot to tell you that I didn't go out saturday night because I knew that I wouldn't get up for work on sunday. It was hard enough as it was so I'm glad I stayed home.... and I have a sick man at home so I wanted to stay home with him too :)

Here's one look from today..... I'm a superhero,, yay.... haha.......... I know I look kind of stupid.... (and tired)

Le Petit Four with Natacha

oh and also. I just got home from a lunch/dinner at Le Petit Four with Natacha Peyre. She is so sweet, we might go out tonight but I gotta get up early tomorrow for work so I'm not sure if I can make it tonight. I'll decide in a sec.....


Pics from Millencolin consert

So here are the pics I promised from the consert last night. I got at photopass so I could take some cool pics.
It was the first time I was shooting like that at a consert so I was kind of lost down there but I did a pretty good job I think.
After I was done shooting we went up to the VIP area and watched the show and it was really good. I haven't been listening to Millencolin so much before but they are a great band.
After the show Daniel wanted to say hi to the band, because he knows them so we went backstage and hung out for a bit.

Millencolin live

Here's a video from last night....enjoy!!!

Millencolin concert

I just got home from a Millencolin consert here in L.A. I will tell you more tomorrow and put up some awesome pics. Good night....

New design

ok, so I have been trying to redesign my blog tonight. I've never worked with coding before so I must say that it came out pretty good for being the first time. I'm gonna continue to work on it but I have to do some other stuff now...

My first cover ever, when I won Miss FHM 06 (Omslagsjakten) woohoo.
I look so young don't I?!

Kite surfing

Yesterday I was at Topanga beach and had my first Kite surfing lesson, haha. I decided that I want to learn to kite surf, it looks so cool when they are out there so that's my new mission.  I started out with a tiny kite just to feel the wind but it was reaaaaallly hard and tiriring so after a while I decided to just to watch and study accounting... but that didn't go so well either, I read the same page like 4 times without understanding what I read. I guess I was too distracted.......


Today I've been studying aaaaalll day. I had to do my weekly accounting quiz and I haven't really been studying so much this week so I I had to do that today....
I think I did pretty good on the quiz, we'll see tomorrow :)

Looks fun huh?
Well, I can tell you that it's really interesting.

Past Zuma

My beach day was awesome. We went to a beach kind of far away, it was a bit past Zuma but it was really nice and very little people. I was there with an old friend from germany, Daniel Roesner and his friend Hannes and his girlfriend Tina.. really fun people. We were there til sunset and then we went to this Thai restaurant in Malibu and now I'm home again.
We are loosing an hour tonight so it's gonna be really hard for me to sleep at a decent time tonight.

My beach outfit

The beach.... here I come

I woke up at 1 pm today because I couldn't sleep and finally when I fell asleep my phone rings and it's Daniel....he called me by mistake. Arrrgghhh, then I it was hard to fall asleep again so that's why I woke up at 1 pm.
But the weather is awesome so I'm going to the beach now anyway....

The Beach

I'm going to the beach tomorrow, yaaay.
Maybe it's gonna rain, maybe not, but I'm going anyway. woohoo.

A day out with Kim

Today I saw my old friend Kim. We stayed together in Marina Del Rey when I first started school. I haven't seen her in about a year so it was great to see her and catch up. First we took a walk down to Hollywood blvd and just looked at all the wierdos down there. Then we went to the Groove and had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, that place is so great. I love the dark bread you get before the meal. Sometimes you just wanna go there to eat the bread and maybe the cheesecakes. The best desert is the chocolate thing with raspberry sauce next to it, yum yum.
Anyway then we just went back home and talked for a while till she had to go home..... now I'm sitting here watching E! and trying to get tired.

My baby

This is my new baby, I love it :)

Runyon Canyon

I was supposed to go there today but I didn't have time so I took a picuture from our rooftop. Looks tough huh?

I'm an angel

Ok, so I just want to let everybody know that I'm gonna start to be more active on my blog. Right now I suck, I know.
There's stuff happening all the time and I never share that with you guys so from now on I'm gonna start to write and put up pictures regulary.
Till then, enjoy this wonderful collage I made.

By: Me

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